david c.n. ma

work life balance is alive and well at 37signals

Read an interesting article on the 37 signals blog about “lifestyle businesses”, work ethic (or rather work hours) and reward. The nub:

It’s been a long time since there was a direct correlation with the number of hours you work and the success you enjoy. It’s an antiquated notion from the days of manual labour that has no bearing on the world today. When you’re building products or services, there’s a nonlinear connection between input and output. You can put in just a little and still get out a spectacular lot.

True, though I imagine this varies somewhat depending on the type of  business you’re in. For example, in law there is a certain emphasis placed on billable hours. Needless to say, that results in quite a direct correlation between hours works and success. Of course, it’s not the only factor, but it there is definitely a correlation. It would be interesting to see how the thinking in this article could be transposed into the practice of law. Or for that matter whether it could be.

We’re living proof that you can work much less than popular entrepreneur lore would have you believe and still run a very successful, multi-million dollar business. And still have time for taking flying lessons, learning to play the guitar, nurture your garden, go hiking, enjoy cooking, socialize with people outside your tech circle.

It’s your choice.

Hmm. Maybe it’s time to become an entrepreneur. 😉

via The lifestyle business bullshit – (37signals).