- wifi at #wcto needs improvement. #
- got wrong hashtag. at #wcto listening to @austingunter from @wpengine. good presentation. #
- neat. had no idea that bravenewcode was founded by 2 canucks. #
- Not happy with Wi-Fi at # wpto. Terrible. #
- Great session by Victor Granic on WordPress security #wpto #
- Hangin' out at #wcto #
- a $199 45 GHz, 90 gflop computer. very tempting, but not sure what I'd do with it. neat project though. http://t.co/PkkUAtVv #
- don't need one of these but very tempted to get one – cheap stereolithographic 3d printer. with frickin' lasers. http://t.co/2Zq5O7It #
- hmm. laundry detergent that helps clean the air of pollutants by using titanium dioxide. http://t.co/T2iAIJy4 #
- an OK article about big data. http://t.co/lYOEUzC1. i think big data will have a huge impact on things. #
- enterprise tech plays (or "sv wallflowers" as the article describes them) now hot. not surprising. and good for them. http://t.co/xfVY2JHB #
- meeting a troll. worth a read. not just a troll – what's described is, imho, far beyond that – it's criminal assault. http://t.co/nqhD0tkx #
- i've seen some v. cool uses of kinect tech. this has got to be the best so far – real time mapping 4 search/rescue. http://t.co/LTS2SCTw #
- how could you *not* read a story that mentions electromagnetic airplane slingshots (that are real)? http://t.co/EPHy75x5 #
- well. this is neat. i have an invite to @tedxtoronto 2012. woohoo! #
- interesting article on the market for ipv4 addresses. http://t.co/JxDBE0yX #
- totally stealing this idea. from now on, getting our tech support to write contracts and admin folks to litigate. http://t.co/Fb5ALJ5o #
- apple copies clock design. somewhat ironic, no? http://t.co/RCedQjHS #