- nsa stole encryption keys for sim cards, enabling it to monitor a huge portion of worlwide cell communications. http://t.co/9xLsHKroN8 2015-02-20
- more details on nsa/equation group hard drive malware. in short, you can't get rid of it. ever. http://t.co/E8gmT3CFF7 2015-02-24
- i like all clever tech, not just it: new beehive allows honey to be harvested by turning a tap. very clever. http://t.co/Aag2UDhlUY 2015-02-24
- pcell technology to provide vastly more efficient cell networks. sounds promising. http://t.co/dNK3H5ycPv 2015-02-25
- linus 4.0 to be dubbed ""hurr durr i'ma sheep". ah, the power of crowdsourcing. http://t.co/2PmJ7uPTYt 2015-02-25
- nsa wants backdoor to all encryption. this again? anyone remember clipper? what's left that they have broken anyway? http://t.co/oxfDRdTPha 2015-02-25
- "the only way to address the security compromise is to recall and replace every SIM sold by gemalto.” http://t.co/UTWYzMMUj0 2015-02-25
- don't care about fonts? you should. ease of reading found to influence acceptance as truth. fascinating stuff. http://t.co/1hwIf0zZnH 2015-02-25
- @cavirtex hacked but no funds stolen. but as a result they've announced shutdown of btc operations. withdraw by 3/25. unfortunate. 2015-02-26
- paper suggests that babies with two biological fathers is a possibility. interesting. http://t.co/sK8vQ0iPWu 2015-02-26
- just a bit ironic: revenge porn king demands that google remove links to his information. good luck with that. http://t.co/V8ZHi7MHEK 2015-02-26