- specs on tesla's model 3 leaked. not too shabby. https://t.co/sX74M7ji9T 2017-05-26
- british airways experiences global it systems failure. due to a "power supply issue". https://t.co/gxYj7eECtQ 2017-05-29
- scotus rules that patent rights exhausted on sale of product – can't be preserved through contract restrictions. https://t.co/4zjRLm5Zl8 2017-05-31
- when ai experts think ai will take your job. is it a coincidence that the furthest off is… ai expert? https://t.co/3HY6aPDHHz 2017-06-01
- swiss court holds that liking a defamatory fb post = endorsing the post, making the liker also liable. https://t.co/viNSOGQgnk 2017-06-01