- quantum experiment demonstrates that two different objective realities can exist simultaneously. fascinating stuff. https://t.co/H6lJ1XRmZD 2019-03-22
- astrophysicist theorizes possibility of near-lightspeed interstellar travel by slingshotting lasers around black ho… https://t.co/OYXYA2buSC 2019-03-23
- germany proposes new law criminalizing provision of technical infrastructure to illicit dark web sites. i suppose n… https://t.co/SONFlgzZvl 2019-03-23
- european parliament gives final approval to copyright directive, including controversial provisions on "upload filt… https://t.co/mt2VpsfJNF 2019-03-26
- care for some light reading? aba releases 353 page white paper on the regulation of digital assets and cryptocurren… https://t.co/g426rqBLtQ 2019-03-27