- scotus decision on kirtsaeng v. wiley is out. first sale doctrine applies to works mfd outside the us. http://t.co/0EYfzJwmyx 2013-03-19
- the role of gpus in big data. interesting. http://t.co/uFAoonvEUc 2013-03-19
- almost out of the uncanny valley, it seems. http://t.co/1ajClnI8S8 2013-03-21
- in-home clothing printer. interesting concept. http://t.co/mdGcFVFoZX 2013-03-21
- blackberry world hits 100K apps. promising. http://t.co/lzDsQgzZts 2013-03-21
- us treasury applying money laundering rules to virtual currencies like bitcoin. hmmm. http://t.co/s7BZqljUZ6 2013-03-23