- ubuntu edge breaks record for biggest crowdfunding. $10.6 million, with 5 days left. get one. http://t.co/4UK4oNub8n 2013-08-16
- very intrigued by spaceglasses, but not quite enough to sign on just yet. http://t.co/LXmYxMsvmg 2013-08-20
- hiding ip address to avoid website block held to violate cfaa. raises some very interesting issues. http://t.co/GQERcnckQ5 2013-08-20
- groklaw shuts down over concerns regarding nsa e-mail monitoring. a bit surprising. http://t.co/p3kFGIUtMb 2013-08-20
- as an aside, using a non-us based e-mail service or server won't necessarily prevent the nsa (or anyone else) from listening in. 2013-08-20
- touchscreens anywhere you can project. impressive technology. h/t @fmichlick http://t.co/RmvNhW9ZAk 2013-08-20
- tesla continues to impress. model s safest car ever tested by nhtsa. http://t.co/1ypYaneUAe 2013-08-20